strategic planning
I give founders and organizational leaders in growth companies and non-profits the tools and know-how to fine-tune their strategic plans. I partner to build plans that are followed, uncover new growth opportunities and build amazing cultures.With the noise, confusion, complexity, and dis-alignment with strategy, "organizational drift" can be an issue.If you're seeing some challenges in these areas give a call, fire off an email or take my free Organizational Assessment.
Or... click one of the links below to book a discovery call, consulting call or hire me.

Let's find out where you're challenges are in your current Strategic Planning process, whether you're just starting out or have an established plan. We'll talk through common frustrations, reasons things aren't working and your specific challenges.
Let's dig a little deeper and figure out what some key issues are within your organization's planning process and your role in that.
If you're interested in chatting about what it looks like to get a robust, follow-able, personalized, comprehensive and clear strategic plan, let's talk about that.
Contact / About
I'm an engineer by education who now connects with people about partnering in the kingdom vision for Sioux Center Christian School.I also help people get their strategic plans right.I do this by working with small business founders, solopreneurs, non-profits, and leaders of growth companies to give them best in the industry tools plus know-how to fine-tune their strategic plans. Together we build plans that are followed, uncover new profit opportunities and establish amazing cultures.I grew up in the beautiful Flathead Valley in northwest Montana on 5 acres running around seemingly unexplored forest and meadows.I drove to the heart of the US in 1995 to pursue a degree in engineering. I graduated, started a job, married my wife and settled down in the same small town in Northwest Iowa where we went to college.Our roots are now pretty deep in the rich Iowa soil, but I do make sure to get my Montana fix every summer, roaming around the streets of Kalispell or hiking the trails of Glacier National Park.I'm a Christian who has been deeply impacted by Huntington's Disease. Losing a mother and 2 siblings to the disease in the last few years has taught me a lot about eternal perspective and walking through trials and not ignoring them even in times of grief and pain.The only thing I engineer today is relationships with Christian school supporters, growth strategies for leaders in business, and community with other believers in Christ.Soli Deo Gloria!
I also help leaders in the following 4 areas: those who are in a time of transition at work, middle managers who feel stuck, those heading up a team needing some practical tools to lead, and companies tackling workforce challenges in an always changing and uncertain economy.
1. Leader Shift - Personalized coaching through leaders in transition
People just stepping into organizational changes, a promotion or a role change often go from the frying pan to the fire without much training.
Let's make sure you have what it takes to to navigate changes.
2. Messy Middles - Individualized coaching for Middle Managers
Middle managers face some of the hardest and most unique challenges.
If you’re not led well, it can be hard to lead well. Let’s get you tools and coaching to manage the messy middle.
3. Exec Excel - Tools and practices for leaders to grow individually and as a team
Organizations and teams take off when executives take growth seriously and and their people are led well.
We build tools and systems to make your company win by investing in excelling both you and your people.
4. Workforce Wisdom - Personalized workforce best practices
Quiet quitting, retention, remote team leadership and Gen XYZ…
Let’s discover and implement best practices for addressing common workforce challenges in times of constant change.
Book a discovery callOr head to the email box below and drop me a question specifically to a challenge you're having and I'll answer it personally via email.

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